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Why narrating the future may be better than trying to predict it

That gap between the authors’ intentions and the book’s reception tells us something critical about flaws in the way we think about the long-term future. Just as important, it points to new and different ways to think about the future at this strange moment in human history, when that future is so uncertain.

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Netflix knows the exact episode of a TV show that gets you hooked

It hasn’t come to any conclusions about precisely what gets us addicted, but it’s found that there tends to be an early episode in each series that, once viewers watch it, leads to a strong chance of people coming back to finish the season. That can be as early as episode two in the case of Breaking Bad or as late as episode eight in the case of How I Met Your Mother.

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A dancing baby, a Prince, and internet freedom

Lenz wasn’t thinking about copyright, user rights, or user-generated non-commercial content when she created the video of her dancing toddler and posted it to YouTube. Years later, her video has been viewed over one million times and has played a pivotal role in ensuring that others can post similar videos without fear of having them taken off the Internet.