Robot revolution sweeps China’s factory floors
Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that’s encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.
End of Drone Wild West?
Attitudes to civilian drones are going through a familiar cycle: first they were welcomed, potentially revolutionising delivery, newsgathering and security. Then prices crashed and a consumer craze took off. Now they mainly make headlines as a nuisance and threat to aircraft.
Here’s what being stranded on Mars like Matt Damon in ‘The Martian’ would do to your mind
And it’s even lonelier being stranded on a planet millions of miles from Earth, without communication, adequate food, or much hope of getting back home. That’s the grim prospect Matt Damon’s character faces in “The Martian,” the upcoming film based on the novel by Andy Weir.
A live map of ships near ports all around the world
MarineTraffic is the largest publicly available vessel tracking service in the world.
Blackberry officially launching Android-powered phone
Today, I am confirming our plans to launch Priv, an Android device named after BlackBerry’s heritage and core mission of protecting our customers’ privacy. Priv combines the best of BlackBerry security and productivity with the expansive mobile application ecosystem available on the Android platform.”
Mastercard purchase data + Transportation data = Urbanomics
By combining MasterCard’s transactions data (they process 43 billion per year) with Cubic’s transportation data, analytics and visualization technology, the platform — dubbed the Urbanomics Mobility Project — will yield insight into the way transit and economic activity are linked in cities.
The hope is that everyone from urban planners to commercial real estate developers will find the tool useful, and that city and regional governments will sign up as clients. With transit-oriented development increasingly on the mind in the public and private sectors, the release is timely.